staj raporları part 1

First week
Topic : Learning Environment
             I sat  in a place where I had a clear view of the classroom.Everywhere in the classroom was colourful. Desks were suitable for students’ age .This classroom was composed of the 3-4 years of students. It was like a play room so students were not able to concentrate the lesson. Both their age and class were handicap for teacher to tell lesson. Teacher was a half Europian teacher. Her pronunciation was clear.Also,teacher had assistants tried to maintain noise of the students in pre-school class . Teacher used navite language generally because students were  young learners that they hardly speak. She used body language while telling and she told the lesson by the aid of games and songs.
            Classrooms were large and well-ventilated but  control of the students was really hard for teacher. Students were active. Students’ setting arrangement was not traditional system and this was appropriate for modern education system.There were a projector , computer and small wardrobe for students’ materials.Teacher  had many opportunities for teaching because school was private .She used sometimes grammar translation method because of students level. Actually she could use her body language or materials to be understandable.    
            They stood up  and walked in the classroom sometimes while teacher was telling the lesson. School was private so students had a lot of chances to learn and teacher was really well-equipped. They also had english board that subject of the day and things learned before on it.Teacher gave stickers when students knew true answers. Knowing was like a competition. Students liked that. They were actively attending the lesson. Teacher did not give right of speaking ones who did not raise their finger.
            When I observed students who were in third grade class was much more comfortable not only streaming of the lesson but setting arrangement as well. There was a list that stickers were in front of the students’name  on the wall. When they were mischievous,teacher took their one stickers from the list. It was a good way to control class.
            There was a girl sitting on the corner, she was only waiting when teacher gave them activity to do . She needed help or she was bored.When teacher asked questions she was not  raising her finger or giving answer. A few minutes later, teacher reliazed the condition of her. She asked her to say answer the next one but she was in silent. Teacher came and helped her by the aid of some words. She showed examples and she said  “ I understand now “. She was active later in that lesson.
 Second Week
Topic : Microteaching

            When I observed teachers this week, I saw that all of them divided lesson stages that were warm-up , presentation and practice. Dividing lesson was understandable  for students and also it  helped teacher to tell lesson easily.

            In 7th grade, teacher was English that students were exposed to English from a native speaker. Subject was conjuction  that was “  if “. Teacher reminded “ if “ firstly and showed examples in warm-up stage. She wrote  examples on the board. Then she told about “ unless and as long as “ in the presentation stage. Moving from known thing to unknown was quick,efficent and confident way for teacher to strong start to lesson.Then she wanted students to open their book and they completed the activity succsessfully in practice stage. Teacher asked questions to get an idea about understanding of the students at the end of the lesson. It provides expert supervision and a constructive feedback and above all it provides for repeated practice without adverse consequences to the teacher or her students. It increases confidence of the students to perform activity.

            In another lesson , teacher started to lesson asking questions in warm-up stage. Subject was education system in USA but students did not have any idea about the system of education in USA. So teacher used our education system to explain system of the education in presentation stage. Teacher opened the projector and showed pictures tand went on explanation. Later , there were activities on the board. Firstly they started a activity that was about our education system. After that , they went on a activity that was about education system in USA. They fulfill the activities in practice stage.Students were succsessful because of the success of teacher’s presentation.

Third week
Topic : Lesson Plan

This week was our teaching week. We had to prepare lesson plan for this week . We searched next subject of the class and told with counselor teacher about students’ level , number of the students in class. Then we investigated lesson plan of the school and read articles about lesson plan.our subject was “ have got or haven’t got “ . We started to write according to school experience lesson plan example given us. 

            Students were our first objective. And also we told about which skills would be in plan. While we were preparing, we had some diffuculties because of insufficient knowledge of students’ strengths or weaknesses. On the other hand , we managed to prepare suitable activity for them. We tried to set up balance between activities. We prepared authentic materials ourselves.

Having a lesson plan helped us to have knowledge about where we were and what we would. Nevertheless, we did not follow the plan exactly in the lesson because sometimes magic moments happened that it could be a question or they did not understand something in the lesson. In that time , we explained in English or sometimes we used pictures or body language. That  time we tried to activite thier schemata to discover the answer or meaning themselves. At the end of the lesson , we asked question  in order to get information about whether they understand or not.

 Fourth week
Topic : Practising Questioning Skills

This week , we focused on the questions asked in the classroom. When we investigated  questions in the class , we saw that teachers had different types of questions. They were asking to motivate, relate the lesson to pupils’ own experiences , find out what pupils know or remember , get feedback on their teaching and so on.
In one lesson , teacher asked “ How is the education system in Turkey ? “. Subject was American Education System and they could not have any idea. She asked this question to relate the lesson to students’ own experiences. When she asked question , she waited a few minutes so all  students could think. And also when one student was giving answer, she was aware of what was going on in the rest of the class. She was listening all answers. She tried to ask simple and clear questions.
In younger class, teacher asked so many questions before she started to tell new subject. There was a picture and she asked “ Which toy is it ?” , “ What color is it ?” , “Which animal is it ?”      “ How many candles are there? “  and so on. She asked all these questions to find out what pupils know or remember and get feedback on their teaching. 
In my teaching lesson , subject was “have got and haven’t got.” My section was practice stage. Before starting of the lesson , I showed a basket and asked “ What is this ? “ and “ Do you know ?“ . These questions were asked to learn they knew the basket’s name in English or not. When I analyzed my questions , generally  I used questions for getting any idea about their knowledge of the subject.


Fifth week
Topic : Managing the Class

            This week we observed how teachers managed the class. We had a chance to observe two different age group and two different teacher. What techniques they were using. We checked they were effective or not.
             In first lesson, even though students were 6th grade, teacher was so strict to control class. Students were seemed that they were afraid of their teacher. While speaking, she was looking around carefully and  she wanted to say somebody in the class , she was looking only at that student.She tried to manage the class  by  the aid of her strict behavior. She used her body language , gestures and mimes for taking attention of students and kept them awake.She used her voice when there were a lot of  general noise and she wanted to regain control. When teacher asking  questions , she was asking randomly in the class. Students were in silent and they were trying to fill worksheet to say true answer when teacher asked them. There was a student that he was  mischievous and teacher said his name to stop his action. He trembled and focused the lesson.
            In second lesson, students were second grade.Teacher was amusing and lively. Students were happy and as if they were playing games all together. She was speaking slowly and clearly. She sometimes lost control of the class but by the help of activities,games  she was able to regain control of the class.She used often her body language to be understandable. She gave stars when they attended games and when they made noise she took back stars. Students were young and they did not loose their star. They waited in silent. Because of the games , they had no time to make noise. All of them wanted to play so when you gave them responsibility ,  it was a good way to control class. She called students with their name and they were happy when they heard their name by the teacher.

Sixth  week
Topic : Material Evaluation

This week we observed materials from the perspective of Stevick’s criteria in the classroom but especially book used in the class. Their book was arranged the level of the students.   In fourth grade , book was supported by half picture half text , in seventh grade generally there were text and in second grade nearly all book was covered by pictures. Also there were another materials ( projector , computer , recordings , flashcards e.g. ) used in the class.  Books were composed according to current method methodologically. But , we could not say it was exactly perfect because of the individual differecences. In that time, teacher would decide how to use it in the classroom. There were different using techniques in the classrooms.
In first class we observed, there was  a language that  ahd some currency outside  the classroom and book’s content was interesting for learner. But teacher used book as her lesson plan. There were instructions in her book and she followed it step by step. She ignored individual differences between learners. They were reminded previous lesson and performed activity whole lesson.
In second class we observed, students were performing activities. Teacher asked questions students to get answer one by one. After that , she asked questions according to our tradition. She did it because she provided familiarity with our tradition between students and it was easy to them to get an idea. Teacher intensified students’ knowledge by the aid of  watching video. 
In last class we observed , teacher presentated the subject. She followed book during presentation. On the other hand she drawed semantic map on the board in order to increase awereness in students. After, they listened to music about the subject. It was really funny and students were active in the lesson. Teacher managed to take attention. They fulfilled activities in book but teacher varied activities because of the individual differences between students.

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