Özel Öğretim Yöntemleri 2 - Makale Örneği

                              Effects of Motivation on Language Learning                                                 

    The studies on foreign language learning show that there are many factors influencing the learning. When it is considered individual differences among language learners,motivation comes to mind as one of the most important of these variables .This research will evaluate students’ motivation that is one of the most important factors in second language learning and also deal with factors that affect students’ motivation in both positive and negative ways. A total of 20 Turkish pre-intermediate EFL learners participate in this research.The research is  conducted through a questionnaire survey which aimed to elicit student’s opinion,beliefs and interests about English and the factors that affect students in term of motivation.
   The studies on foreign language learning show that there are many factors influencing the learning.When we think of individual differences among language learners,motivation comes to mind as one of the most important of these variables.For many years,studies of motivation for language learning concentrated on reasons for learning.Motivation research has received much attention in the past decade.Most researchers agree that motivation plays a vital role in the learner’s achievement;it is often attributed with the capacity to override other factors,such as language aptitude,to affect achievement in both negative and positive ways.Our focal point     “ motivation “ has been generally defined in various ways,and the most common definition of the term is “ an internal state that arouses,directs and maintains behaviour. “  The purpose of this article is to evaluate students’ L2 learning motivation and its influence on the pedagogical process. In this study these questions will be answered;
1. Is the motivation one of the most important factor in language learning?
2. How does the motivation affect students’ language learning?
3. What are the factors that affect motivation?

   Language learning motivation research has a long history in the field of second language acquisition (SLA). There are numerous studies about motivation in second language acquisition.
   There is a research fulfilled in Egypt. In this study, a questionnare was developed, based on recent work on motivation in second and foreign language context and more general models from cognitive and educational psychology and was applied to 1,554 adult learners at the Center of Adult and Continuing Education (CACE) at the American University in Cairo, with 1,464 questionnare used for the analyses. Results suggest that there are three basic dimensions to motivation for learning foreign and second languages. Learner profiles with respect to these dimensions of motivation were related to age, gender and certain kinds of classes and learning tasks. (Schmidt et al,1996,p.9-70)
Another research which is conducted in term of motivation suggests that motivation is a predictor of as is widely accepted.In order to confirm this , grade 10 students’ motivation level was measured using two two questions.Classes using Communicative Orientation of Language Teaching were observed to discover what other factors facilitate learning outcomes.Statistical analyses of the relationship between two variables,motivational level and language gains indicate that motivation was not a predictor fort he grade 10 students in the study.Nor were many of the language class features included in the COLT.The most powerful predictors of language gains were found in more implicit teachers’ beliefs about their students’ capacities and their expectations of their students’ ahcievement. (Taguchi,2006,p.560-569)
   Additionally,another research suggests that the teacher’s use of motivational strategies is generally believed to enhance student motivation, yet the literature has little empirical evidence to support this claim. Based on a large-scale investigation of 40 ESOL classrooms in South Korea involving 27 teachers and more than 1,300 learners, this study examined the link between the teachers’ motivational teaching practice and their students’ language learning motivation. The students’ motivation was measured by a self-report questionnaire and a classroom observation instrument specifically developed for this investigation, the motivation orientation of language teaching (MOLT). The MOLT observation scheme was also used to assess the teachers’ use of motivational strategies, along with a posthoc rating scale filled in by the observer. The MOLT follows the real-time coding principle of Spada and Fröhlich’s communication orientation of language teaching (COLT) scheme but uses categories of observable teacher behaviors derived from Dörnyei’s motivational strategies framework for foreign language classrooms. The results indicate that the language teachers’ motivational practice is linked to increased levels of the learners’ motivated learning behavior as well as their motivational state. (Dörnyei&Guilloteaux,2008,p.55-77)
   In the last research,English language-learning motivations of 518 secondary school students, university students, and young adult learners in the capital of Chile, Santiago. We applied multi-group structural-equation modeling to analyze how language-learning goals, attitudes, self-related beliefs, and parental encouragement interact in shaping motivated behavior and to investigate age- and group-related differences in the internal structure of language-learning motivation. We compared our findings with previous studies using similar instruments in different settings, and based on our findings, we proposed a new interactive model of language-learning motivation, which consists of goal systems, attitudes, self-efficacy beliefs, and future self-guides. (Kormos et al,2011,p.1-23)


      A total of 20 Turkish pre-intermediate EFL learners participated in this study. It took place in Uludağ University. All had received at least ten years of formal prior English course. The participants whose ages were between 20 and 24 were studying in different departments. 10 of the participants were female and 10 of the participants were male.

III.II.Data Collection Instruments
     Data source was participant questionnaire. Questionnaire consisted of three parts. Part I of the questionnaire sought behavioral information on previous learning experience. Part II of the questinnaire dealt with attitudinal information about participants’ opinions,beliefs, or interest of them. These questions were used for gathering of what learning goals learner have or what skill areas they are interested in. Part III of the questionnaire composed of open ended questions.In this part, it was aimed to encourage learners to give detailed information regarding some aspect of L2 learning.Also the participants were asked factual information such as their age, gender and departments. While the questions were being prepared , the articles and questionnaires about motivation were investigated and according to them, the questions were designed.

    The study took place in Uludağ University and the questionnaire was fulfilled in one week. The questionnaire was carried out by three students of English Language Teaching Department.

III.IV.Data Analysis
    A questionnaire was distributed to 20 students to discover their motivations in Second Language Learning(SLA). The questionnaire items focused on their opinions and previos learning experiences about English and the factors that affect their language learnings. Both qualitative and quantitative reseach methods were used.In compiling the results of open-ended questions, qualitative research method was used. In analyzing the responses in open-ended questions , all of the responses were read and key ideas were highlighted.Common patterns and items which were often repeated regarded as the main idea. In compiling the results of close-ended questions , quantitative research method was used. In analyzing the close-ended questions , responses were given a particular numerical value.In these questions , each response was given a number (e.g strongly agree =1 , agree = 2 , disagree = 3 strongly disagree = 4 ) and these numbers were treated as interval scales. On the other hand , alternative answer was used for answering the questions yes or no , according to their belief , opinions and interests. The results were described in percentages and frequency.

  As it was noted earlier , questionnaire was distributed to 20 students. The questionnaire contained both open-ended and close-ended questions. In the first section, likert-scale was used for the questionnare ( 1 represents strongest agreement and 4 represents lowest agreement). In this part, 8 different questions which were about motivation were asked. The results of the 8 questions were reported below:

Questions and Responses:
1)      It is given enough importance to speaking skill in English lesson.

                                                         Figure 1                                           

   As it is seen in the chart, most of the participants believe that it is not given enough importance to speaking skill in the English lessons. Considering that some students learn better by speaking, this result shows that it can affect  motivation of students to learn English.

 It is given enough importance to writing skill in English lesson.

                                                        Figure 2
  Result of the chart shows that it is given enough importance to writing skill. On the other hand, it is an opportunity for students who learn better by writing. It increases the students’ motivation and lead them to attend English lessons much more actively.

It is given enough importance to reading skill in English lesson.

                                                         Figure 3

  Most of the students think that it is given enough importance to reading skill. Furthermore, the students who learn English by reading develop positive attitude toward English and so, their affective filter decreases.

      It is given enough importance to listening skill in English lesson.

                                                        Figure 4

  According to the chart, it is not given enough importance to listening skill. So they do not find English lessons enjoyable and this causes lack of motivation.

5)      Importance is given grammar in English lesson.
                                                      Figure 5
    Most of the students think that they are learning grammar in English lesson in a conventional way. They expect to learn English in more enjoyable way and teachers must prepare differenciated activities for them. As it is known by everyone, there are lots of students in English classes in Turkey, teachers need to be careful while teaching English.

6)      It is used enough materials in teaching English.
                                                      Figure 6
Seeing that most of the students’ opinion is not pleasant.Because according to students,their general idea is that English is learned better by activities,realia materials etc. But,when we consider our conditions in Turkey ( classroom size,economical condition etc. ) this result is not suprising fact.But materials can be reached in economical way.But not all the responsibility belongs to teachers.

7)      Coursebooks are consistent with effective language teaching.

                                             Figure 7

This result shows that most of the students disagree this idea that coursebooks are not sufficient for teaching English.Because coursebooks tries to teach in conventional way and there is no interaction between students and teachers and pairwork , groupwork etc. in fact , all of them should be included in English lessons.

8)English teachers are dominant enough in English.

                                               Figure 8
The results are nearly equal.This result shows that there are insufficient teachers but at the same time there are still well-qualified teachers.Because the teachers are not enough for teaching English , this decreases students’ motivation toward English.
   In the second section , alternative answer was used for questionnaire ( ‘’ √’’ represents agree ,“X” represents disagree ). The results of 8 questions were examined below.
1)      I will need English in my future carrier.

                                      Figure 9
     Most of the students think that English is important for their future carrier.Because they realise that they will need English in their future life, this increases their motivation toward learning English.

2 ) Language learning makes me happy.

                                         Figure 10
This result shows that most of the students enjoy learning English with different materials ,enjoyable activities,colorful pictures and some visuals.From the this viewpoint,we understand that English is necessary and enjoyable to learn.That’s why the students are more motivated to learn English as a second language.

3 ) If I know English, I think that people respect  me.

                                     Figure 11
Most of the participants respond this item ‘’yes’’. It can be concluded that they believe that if they know English , they will see respect in their social environment.This is a need for learning English and motivate themselves.

4 ) I want to read English books.

                                         Figure 12
This result shows that reading English books don’t draw the students’ attention. Because in our education system, English lessons are usually based on reading.It can be seen from this viewpoint that too much reading in courses decreases their motivation toward English.

5) I want to meet people who are in different countries of the world.

                                           Figure 13
Nearly all of the students think that speking is vital factor for meeting  people from different countries. It can be seen from this result that speaking English with people from different countries motivates students.

6 ) I want to understand English songs,movies etc.

                                            Figure 14
It is seen that nearly all of the students desire to understand English songs and films. Because it is known by everyone that English plays a vital role in people life. It is related with popular culture. So this reality encourages people to learn English.

7 ) I think that everybody who is well-educated should be able to speak English.

                                           Figure 15
Everybody is aware of neccessity of English. Naturally , it is believed that people who know English have advantage in the process of finding occupations comparing with those who don’t know English.

8 ) I think that knowing English will develop my perspective.

                                           Figure 16
More than half of the students agree with this idea that learning English is very affective way for developing their perspectives.  It can be concluded that recognizing different cultures , developing their perspectives creates a reason to learn English.

    In the last section open-ended questions were asked.There were 2 different questions about factors which are related to motivation in learning English.Results will be investigated below;
1 )    What are the factors that affect you in your language learning ?
 Most of the students’ responses are indicated below.
a)      English lessons are generally boring for the students.Activities which are not suitable for them, teachers who  focus  on grammar while teaching and teachers who use only lesson books that are not sufficient for students’ development lead to decrease students’ interest towards English and naturally, it affects also their motivation.

b)      Most of the students belive that usage of materials in English lessons is important for them. Because materials used in English lessons have vital role to make the lesson clear and understandable. Materials cause to decrease students’ affective filter and help them to understand English lessons easily and so their motivation increase.

2)      What is your favourite way to learn English best ?

a)      Most of the students think that easy way to learn English is writing and reading but others think that they learn best by the aid of speaking and listening skills. However, they also believe that in our education system, it is not given enough importance to speaking and listening. And so they have difficulty in learning English.

  This article evaluated students’ motivation in L2 and its influence on the pedagogical process. This research tried to find the answers of the questions below:
1. Is the motivation one of the most important factor in language learning?
2. How does the motivation affect students’ language learning?
3. What are the factors that affect motivation?
    Firstly this article defined motivation. Previous researchs were investigated to illustrate motivation and utilized for preparation of this article.Questionnaire which was distributed to 20 students was used as a instrument.Data which were collected from questionnaire was analyzed carefully.Research questions were tried to respond.But using of only one instrument,questionnaire,caused to collect unreliable data.Interviews and observations could be used. Also the participants number was limited.
     According to results,lack of motivation causes students to get bored in lessons,increase their affective filter,create negative attitude toward learning English.So, teachers should not only focus on  English coursebooks,they should benefit from opportunistic teaching,peripheral learning etc. as well.On the other hand they should vary and differentiate activities.They should use materials which are visual,audial,tactile etc. that it will help the student to understand the lesson. Also, materials will create positive atmosphere in classroom and make the lesson enjoyable. If it is possible, teachers can use technology ( e.g. overhead projector,computer,tv ) or pictures ,hand made materials. Furthermore, teachers must focus on speaking and listening activities rather than writing and reading so much. They should try to interact with students as much as possible.If all of them are carried out , students can convert input to intake easily.
   This article deals with factors that affect students’ motivation in second language learning.Other factors that affect students’ learning second language can be researched as a further research.

Dörnyei,Zoltan. (2003) Attitudes,Orientations and Motivations in Language Learning. Malden :Blackwell Publishing
Guilloteaux,Marie J. & Dörnyei,Zoltan. (2008).Motivating  Language Learners:A Classroom-Oriented Investigation of the Effects of Motivational Strategies on Student Motivation.Tesol Quarterly 42/1,55-77
Kormos,Judit et al.(2011).Systems of Goals,Attitudes,and Self-related Beliefs in Second Language Learning Motivation. Applied Linguistic 10/1093,1-23
Liuoliene,Alvyda & Metiüniene Regina.(2006).Second Language Learning Motivation.Mykolas Romeris University 14/2,93-98
MacIntyre,Peter D. (2002) Individual Differences and Instructed Language Learning.Amsterdam/Philadelphia :John Benjamins Publishing Company
McDonough,Steven.(2007).Motivation in ELT.ELT Journal 61/4,369-371
Schmidt,Richard et al. (1996) Language Learning Motivation:Pathways to the New Century. United States of America : University of Hawai
Taguchi,Kazuyo.(2006).Is Motivation a Predictor of Foreign Language Learning?.International Education Journal 7/4,560-569
Tayar, Ayça Bingöl. (2003).A Survey on Learner Autonomy and Motivation in ESP in a Turkish Context ,Uludağ University ,Master’s Thesis , Bursa.




   -This questionnaire is prepared by the students of the Uludag Universty.
  -This questionnaire is prepared to determine the effects of motivation of students in English lesson.
  -Your answer will be used only for evaluating.
  -This questionnaire composes of A,B and C parts.
   Supposed time is 15 minutes.

A) Please, read the sentences in the column  and circle it accordingly your answer’s degree.
Strongly   Agree
Strongly Agree

It is given enough importance to speaking skill.                                


It is given enough importance to writing skill.                                     


It is given enough importance to reading skill.                                   


It is given enough importance to listening skill.


Importance is given grammar in English lesson.


It is used enough materials in English lesson.                                      


Coursebooks are consistent with effective language teaching.


English teachers are dominant enough in English.

B ) Please, use  “ √ “ for your positive answer , Use “ X “ for your negative answer.                         
                                                                                                                                                       √       X                                                                                                    

I will need English in my future carrier.

Language learning makes me happy.

If I know English, I think that people respect me.

I want to read English books.

I want to meet people who are from different countries of the world.

I want to understand English songs,movies etc.

I think that everybody who is well-educated should be able to speak  English.

I think that knowing English will develope my perspective.

 C ) Please answer the questions according to your idea.
1 )    What are the factors that affect you in your language learning ?


2 )    What is your favourite way to learn English best ?


Department : ………………

Age            : ………………

Sex            : ……………….

NOT : "Figure" yazan kısımlarda kendi sonuçlarınızın grafikleri yer alacaktır.

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